micro Info

micro was added to epel8 repo on 2024-09-18
Page updated: 2024-09-18 02:34
Repo Status - Overall Status

Source NVR: micro-2.0.6-1.el8 (2024-09-18)

Binary Packages

micro micro-2.0.6-1.el8


2084690 NEW CVE-2022-24675 micro: golang: encoding/pem: fix stack overflow in Decode [epel-8]
2084870 NEW CVE-2022-28327 micro: golang: crypto/elliptic: panic caused by oversized scalar [epel-8]
2162371 NEW CVE-2022-46175 micro: json5: Prototype Pollution in JSON5 via Parse Method [epel-8]
2163047 NEW CVE-2022-41717 micro: golang: net/http: An attacker can cause excessive memory growth in a Go server accepting HTTP/2 requests [epel-all]
2248229 NEW micro: golang: net/http, x/net/http2: rapid stream resets can cause excessive work (CVE-2023-39325) [epel-all]
2292671 NEW CVE-2024-24789 micro: golang: archive/zip: Incorrect handling of certain ZIP files [epel-all]

Install Failures